
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Leading Students to Jesus

How many times do we as youth pastors sit back and try to just let our Sunday Morning service be the answer to our kids coming to Christ? How many times do we teach our students about Jesus but just leave it up to them to come if they really want to make a decision? How many times do we actually take the initiative to see that our Students have a correct understanding of Jesus and they really have a relationship with Him?

This past Sunday we baptized 9 people but what I am so excited about is that 3 of them were student salvations that happened the week before. On Sunday Morning April 15th I stepped out of our Morning worship and met with some teenagers to tell them how they can know they have a relationship with Jesus. I was excited from my trip to Russia and leading some students to Christ there and I took the time to talk with some students who wanted to make sure they were going to heaven. I went to our small groups and just told students of the necessity that they understand why Jesus had to die. I asked any student that had never been baptized but wanted to make sure that they were going to heaven to come with me and talk. I had 5 students say they wanted to make sure they were going to heaven.

We spent around 45 minutes together talking about how God was perfect and we were not. We talked about our need to have someone who was perfect take our punishment of death so we could be with God. At the end of the time all 5 students said they wanted Jesus. They went from believing when they walked in the room with me that the way they get to heaven is by being good and doing right. Now, they believed Jesus died but they saw that as part of doing their best. When we finished they realized that it was only through faith in Jesus that they could be made perfect and have a relationship with God. They knew that we obey God, because we love Him (John 14). 3 of the students got baptized the next week. The other 2 had to wait until the next time we baptize. We also have 4-6 other students that want to meet with me in a class I call, "Believe." It is basically me sharing with students why Jesus had to die to forgive our sins. God is doing some awesome things and it starts with prayer, continues with having a clear understanding of how to share the gospel, and ends with students who are ready to hear God's truth. It is exciting to see what God can do! Be strong and Bold and make sure every student has an opportunity to hear the truth about Jesus. Don't take for granted that they come to church that is enough. If they are in your ministry or come to the church, as youth pastors you are held responsible for making sure that they hear the truth. Keep Seeking God with Passion!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why did Jesus Have to Die? Russia part 2

I want to tell you a story from our trip to Russia. It was Wed. night one of our last days at the Church which we were working with. We had a huge Youth Banquet planned and we invited the youth from the church where we had it (First Baptist of Bryansk) and also the Church plant that we were working with. We also invited students from the Deaf School and from the orphanages that we worked with. We had around 150 youth there and it was very exciting. We had a service upstairs where we had students share their testimonies, sing songs, and I got to share out of John 14-16 Jesus' Last words to His Disciples before he was to be arrested (which I focused on Jesus giving us the Holy Spirit to guide us in all truth.)

We went downstairs after the service and had it decorated for all the youth and we put all the youth around the tables. Our group made American Pizza for them and we all sat down to eat. We had the places set up where we would have 2 American's and 1 Interpreter sitting together so we could talk to the youth. I went down and sat at a table where no one was yet and prayed that God would bring the people he wanted me to talk with to come and sit with me. A group of students filled in the chairs and they sat down next to me and around me. One of the youth from my group sat with me and we had an interpreter with us. I think the first words out of the interpreter’s mouth to me were, "Ok, now you share Jesus with these boys." So I did.

It was very difficult trying to get the conversation going because you always have to use the interpreter and then they would talk to each other and it was hard to stay in the conversation. But we talked for a few minutes about the Bible and if they had been to church. These boys were from the shelter and the church we were working with did go and work with them some already. They seemed interested in the conversation so I said this, "There is a question that many American Students cannot answer and I would like to ask you. Why did Jesus have to die in order to forgive our sins?"

The boys answered with some responses but seemed unsure. So I asked them if I could share with them the answer. They said, "Da" which means Yes in Russian.

So, the door flew open and I was able to share very clearly the gospel. I walked through how God is our Creator and because of that he is owner and He makes the rules. He is perfect and Holy and He must separate Himself from imperfect people. A perfect God cannot live with Imperfect people. God must punish sin and the punishment is death (Rom. 6:23). We are not perfect (James 2:10, Romans 3:23) and therefore we deserve Death and separation from God as the payment for our sin. Hebrews 9 talks about the need for sacrifice and the shedding of blood to pay for sin. Hebrews 9:22, says "In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

I told them of the sacrifices of the Old Testament and how they were just temporary coverings for sin. In order to have complete forgiveness there would have to be a perfect person willing to take our place and die in our place. I shared how Jesus was this person, God's Son. He was able to take our place because he was perfect (1 Peter 1:18-19). Jesus was the Lamb that was perfect that died in our place.

When we looked at this I expressed that Jesus had to die because God, being a Just God, must punish sin - there is no way around it. If we try to pay the price of sin by being good it isn't enough we are already guilty of breaking the whole law - even with one sin. If we want any chance to be with God we must have a perfect sacrifice and substitution for our sin. Jesus is that answer. By Jesus, dying on the cross he was able to stand in our place, take our punishment and for those who believe he would take all our sin on Himself. Wow!! Isn't that awesome!

I asked the boys if they wanted to keep trying to pay for their sin on their own and try to get to heaven their way or they wanted Jesus to take their place. The 3 boys all said they wanted Jesus. We went in another room and talked more in depth with them and all 3 boys placed their faith in Jesus being the only way to get to heaven (John 14:6) and how through his ressurection we can have the Holy Spirit living in us and guiding us in all truth (John 16:13).

We gave them Bibles, encouraged them to read it together, pray together and we introduced them to the Pastor of the church we were working with and with some of the students that go to that church. I could see it in their eyes that they really got it! It was exciting to see that asking a question like, "Why did Jesus have to die in order to forgive our sins?" was the open door to share the truth about Jesus.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Russia Experience

Ok, I will have to do several blogs in order to begin to tell you how incredible my experience was on our mission trip to Russia. First, I am so thankful for God and How Mightily He shows Himself in my life and in the lives of the people he changes. Also, I want to thank the interpreters who were on our mission trip. There is no way that we could have accomplished all we did without our interpreters. They were such servants in communicating our hearts to the Russian people we were ministering too. But the coolest thing was it was their heart as well.

I will say if you have never taken a group on an international trip - make the effort to do it. There is something about going to a different culture where you don't speak their language and only through interpreters can you truly communicate with them. I also want to encourage you to do whatever it takes to have enough interpreters for your group and get ones who have a heart for the people you are ministering too.


Russia, where do I begin. It was nothing like I thought and everything like I thought at the same time. On the other side of the world from where I sit today there are people who have the same dreams, emotions, struggles and pain as we do. These struggles may come out a little different than ours but they are the same. People need God, people want to be accepted, people long to understand their life and only through Christ can they find true peace and love.

To get a picture of what it looked like I encourage you to download Google Earth and type in Bryansk, Russia and then click on the pictures it has there as well. I can't describe what it looked like as much as pictures so take time to visit websites with pictures.

We went to 3 orphanages, a deaf school, 2 retirement homes, 2 Public schools (to which we were the first Americans to go to those schools), held a youth banquet for 150+ youth, and did a VBS at a church plant. And the great thing about this was we got to share the gospel at every place. Who could of thought that we would have been able to go into a public school and share the Love of Jesus with students. It was awesome.

I will share more later!