Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Beach
I have the awesome privilege of spending the week at the beach. It is one of the most beautiful times to be reminded of the greatness of our Creator. You can stand on the beach and look out over the ocean and not even see to the ends of the ocean. In Isaiah 40 it talks about the Greatness of God. In Isaiah 40:12, it states "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and marked off the heavens by the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, and weighed the mountains in a balance and the hills in a pair of scales." Wow! As I stood and gazed at the ocean and couldn't even fathom how far it really goes, the Word of God talks about how Great God is in being able to hold all the waters of the earth in the palm of his hand. My mind can't even wrap around that. God is so much bigger than any problem in my life. God is bigger than anything that I will ever face. The cool thing about it is that He also cares for us more than we can understand. I encourage you to take a few minutes today and spend enjoying the creation of God. Maybe take a walk in a park, drive to the mountains or the beach, or just sit your yard and stare at the sky at night and look at the stars or watch the clouds. Yes, our creator and Lord is worthy to be praised. Let us realize how much worth He deserves.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Change of Perspective
Yesterday we took our student ministry to Rescue Atlanta which is a church in downtown Atlanta the meets the needs of the poor and the desperate and the homeless in a way that most churches would never. You see it is easy for our churches to go to the inner city and feed the homeless, it is a little harder to actually set up lunches and make hot meals and serve the homeless, but it is very radical to invite the homeless into our Sunday Mornings and our church service and invest in their lives on a permanent basis. Well, Rescue Atlanta Does this. Check out their website: Rescue Atlanta.
On Saturday we got to see the city of Atlanta from the perspective of how a homeless person views it. We ministered to over 150 kids from the projects across the street with a Kid's Jam and rode on buses to pick them up and take them home. My heart broke as we rode with them on the bus and realized that they all were getting ready to be kicked out of their homes so that they could build homes that were for higher income levels. After we were on the bus for a while some of my students called to me and told me that there was a boy who missed his stop. I went to him and asked him to come up front with me so I could tell Pastor Mel where he lived. He came up front and I asked his name and he told me. I could tell he was young and seemed a little scared. I told him that I was glad he didn't get off the bus yet so we could hang out for a few more minutes together. I looked at him and asked him how old he was. He held up his hand with just 2 fingers and said he was 2 years old. He told me he would be 3 in Nov. This 2 year old boy had no one that was watching him, no older brother or sister or friend that was with him and didn't even know if there was someone at his house. My heart broke as I realized that there was a 2 year old boy out there that had to grow up faster than he ever wanted.
My perspective changed as it always does when you take time to see life from people who are desperate and hurting. How often are we so afraid to do ministry in a way that invites the hurting and the desperate? How often are we afraid to do more than just go serve a hot meal at a homeless shelter? Are we willing to actually live in such a way that our lives invest in those who are hurting? I pray that our churches will move from feeding people and helping the hurting at the back door and start investing in them and moving them into the front of our churches. Let our people see that there is so much more to our lives than feeling comfortable. It is about doing the ministry of Christ for the Glory of God. Are we willing to get dirty and touch the untouchable?
This reminds me of the parable where there was a man with Leprosy that stood outside the gates and was calling out for Jesus. Someone with Leprosy couldn't be touched and had to yell out all day to people and let them know that they had leprosy so that people would stay away from them. Someone with Leprosy usually didn't have anyone every touch them and I would say one of the hardest parts about being a leper was there was no human touch. Well, on this day, he heard that Jesus was near and so he was calling out for Him. Jesus came to him and he asked Jesus if he would make him clean. Jesus did the unthinkable, he reached down and he touched him. He told him that he would be made clean and the man was healed. You see Jesus did the unthinkable, the radical! He touched the unclean. Are our ministries filled with students who are good kids? Are our students filled with students who are the popular and the accepted or are we teaching and equipping our students to get into their schools and get a little dirty? Are we teaching them to seek out the desperate and the hurting? Are we teaching our students to love the unloved? I would say if we did we would see our churches full of the desperate who have found hope. I challenge each one of us to take time to invest in the unloved and let's do the ministry of Christ.
On Saturday we got to see the city of Atlanta from the perspective of how a homeless person views it. We ministered to over 150 kids from the projects across the street with a Kid's Jam and rode on buses to pick them up and take them home. My heart broke as we rode with them on the bus and realized that they all were getting ready to be kicked out of their homes so that they could build homes that were for higher income levels. After we were on the bus for a while some of my students called to me and told me that there was a boy who missed his stop. I went to him and asked him to come up front with me so I could tell Pastor Mel where he lived. He came up front and I asked his name and he told me. I could tell he was young and seemed a little scared. I told him that I was glad he didn't get off the bus yet so we could hang out for a few more minutes together. I looked at him and asked him how old he was. He held up his hand with just 2 fingers and said he was 2 years old. He told me he would be 3 in Nov. This 2 year old boy had no one that was watching him, no older brother or sister or friend that was with him and didn't even know if there was someone at his house. My heart broke as I realized that there was a 2 year old boy out there that had to grow up faster than he ever wanted.
My perspective changed as it always does when you take time to see life from people who are desperate and hurting. How often are we so afraid to do ministry in a way that invites the hurting and the desperate? How often are we afraid to do more than just go serve a hot meal at a homeless shelter? Are we willing to actually live in such a way that our lives invest in those who are hurting? I pray that our churches will move from feeding people and helping the hurting at the back door and start investing in them and moving them into the front of our churches. Let our people see that there is so much more to our lives than feeling comfortable. It is about doing the ministry of Christ for the Glory of God. Are we willing to get dirty and touch the untouchable?
This reminds me of the parable where there was a man with Leprosy that stood outside the gates and was calling out for Jesus. Someone with Leprosy couldn't be touched and had to yell out all day to people and let them know that they had leprosy so that people would stay away from them. Someone with Leprosy usually didn't have anyone every touch them and I would say one of the hardest parts about being a leper was there was no human touch. Well, on this day, he heard that Jesus was near and so he was calling out for Him. Jesus came to him and he asked Jesus if he would make him clean. Jesus did the unthinkable, he reached down and he touched him. He told him that he would be made clean and the man was healed. You see Jesus did the unthinkable, the radical! He touched the unclean. Are our ministries filled with students who are good kids? Are our students filled with students who are the popular and the accepted or are we teaching and equipping our students to get into their schools and get a little dirty? Are we teaching them to seek out the desperate and the hurting? Are we teaching our students to love the unloved? I would say if we did we would see our churches full of the desperate who have found hope. I challenge each one of us to take time to invest in the unloved and let's do the ministry of Christ.
Ministry Insights,
youth Ministry Strategy
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
The Secret of a Godly Life
Ok, how many times do we find that we are frustrated with our walk with God. We know God is all powerful, we know that God moves but we look at ourselves or our ministry and we don't see the Spirit of God doing what we hope for. This little blog is simply helping us evaluate a few things about our walk with God and hopefully will cause us to reflect on the right questions.
The first thing we all have to get straight in our lives is whether we have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Check on the blog, "Why did Jesus Have to Die?" to go through this a little more. If you have a chance after reading this blog, pick up your Bible and read through John 14-17. This is Jesus' last words to His disciples before He is arrested. Because it is His last words we can know that they must have been pretty important. Also, the book of I John (especially chapters 4 & 5), deals with these same truths I am about to go through with you.
Alrighty, so you have a relationship with Jesus. We know that relationship is forever because Jesus goes and prepares a place for us in heaven (John 14:1-4). Now the cool thing about that is that when we have that relationship with Jesus God does something pretty special. He puts His spirit inside of us (Col. 1:27, Gal. 2:20, John 14:17). You know one thing about God is, He doesn't do something unless He has a purpose for it. If He puts His Spirit, If God gives His own Son to live inside of us then we can garuntee that He has a purpose for that. We can know as Believers that God has a purpose and plan for our lives. He is going to accomplish His plan in our lives through Christ Living in us.
What is that Plan?
Well, as we look in John 15:8 shows us it is to bear fruit and bring Glory to God. Bearing fruit is a huge part of our relationship with Jesus. God put His spirit inside of us so that we can bring Glory to God the Father. The way we bring Glory to God is by bearing fruit. So that leads us to the next question.
What is the Secret of bearing fruit?
Remaining in Him!
The Secret of bearing fruit is mentioned in John 15 where Jesus says that we must abide or remain in Him. By remaining in Him we will be able to bear much fruit. The greatest moments of my walk with God comes when I am resting and remaining in Christ. It is those moments that I neglect my walk with God that I see my life as unfruitful. I pray that those moments are few. So if this is my prayer what must I do in order to remain in Him?
What is the secret to Remaining in Him?
Obedience! Is that all. You mean for me to remain in Him all I have to do is be obedient? The question is are you at a place with God where at any moment in your life you are willing to do whatever God asks of you? You know, I can't think of a time where I was disobedient to God and was abiding in Him at the same time. I have seen Him use me and change lives in spite of my disobedience before. The only explanation for that is God is faithful even when I don't seem to be. However, if this is our lifestyle and we continue to be disobedient we cannot expect God to use us. So if that is the case how do I remain obedient?
What is the Secret to Obedience?
Love! Jesus continued in John 15 explaining that if we don't obey the Father then we do not love Him. And if we do not love Him then we won't obey Him. We must love Jesus in order to be obedient to Him. Isn't it so much easier to do something for someone when you love them? Of course it is. I John 4:12-13 says, "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. We know aht we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of His Spirit." As we love, the more we will see God working inside of us to accomplish his purposes in our lives. So how do we love him more you ask?
What is the Secret to Loving God?
The secret to truly loving God comes from one thing: Knowing Him. As we get a right understanding of Who God is, His holiness, His Grace, His mercy, His faithfulness, His Justice, His Love for us, then our love for Him will Grow. The bottom line is that we must do everything we can to know God. There is a secret to growing in our relationship with God and it is knowing our God as He has made Himself known. We should invest ourselves in knowing God more through meditating on His Word, pursuing passionate prayer, doing the ministry of Christ and serving others. You see as our understanding of God grows our desire to be like Him will grow. As that happens we will see that we love Him more. As we love Him more we will be obedient to Him more, as we are obedient to Him more we will remain in Him more, and as we remain in Him more we will bear fruit and bring Glory to Him. This is a great and mighty purpose to live and I thank God He has given us His Spirit and His Son to live in us to accomplish His will!
In Christ,
Kevin Deming
The first thing we all have to get straight in our lives is whether we have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Check on the blog, "Why did Jesus Have to Die?" to go through this a little more. If you have a chance after reading this blog, pick up your Bible and read through John 14-17. This is Jesus' last words to His disciples before He is arrested. Because it is His last words we can know that they must have been pretty important. Also, the book of I John (especially chapters 4 & 5), deals with these same truths I am about to go through with you.
Alrighty, so you have a relationship with Jesus. We know that relationship is forever because Jesus goes and prepares a place for us in heaven (John 14:1-4). Now the cool thing about that is that when we have that relationship with Jesus God does something pretty special. He puts His spirit inside of us (Col. 1:27, Gal. 2:20, John 14:17). You know one thing about God is, He doesn't do something unless He has a purpose for it. If He puts His Spirit, If God gives His own Son to live inside of us then we can garuntee that He has a purpose for that. We can know as Believers that God has a purpose and plan for our lives. He is going to accomplish His plan in our lives through Christ Living in us.
What is that Plan?
Well, as we look in John 15:8 shows us it is to bear fruit and bring Glory to God. Bearing fruit is a huge part of our relationship with Jesus. God put His spirit inside of us so that we can bring Glory to God the Father. The way we bring Glory to God is by bearing fruit. So that leads us to the next question.
What is the Secret of bearing fruit?
Remaining in Him!
The Secret of bearing fruit is mentioned in John 15 where Jesus says that we must abide or remain in Him. By remaining in Him we will be able to bear much fruit. The greatest moments of my walk with God comes when I am resting and remaining in Christ. It is those moments that I neglect my walk with God that I see my life as unfruitful. I pray that those moments are few. So if this is my prayer what must I do in order to remain in Him?
What is the secret to Remaining in Him?
Obedience! Is that all. You mean for me to remain in Him all I have to do is be obedient? The question is are you at a place with God where at any moment in your life you are willing to do whatever God asks of you? You know, I can't think of a time where I was disobedient to God and was abiding in Him at the same time. I have seen Him use me and change lives in spite of my disobedience before. The only explanation for that is God is faithful even when I don't seem to be. However, if this is our lifestyle and we continue to be disobedient we cannot expect God to use us. So if that is the case how do I remain obedient?
What is the Secret to Obedience?
Love! Jesus continued in John 15 explaining that if we don't obey the Father then we do not love Him. And if we do not love Him then we won't obey Him. We must love Jesus in order to be obedient to Him. Isn't it so much easier to do something for someone when you love them? Of course it is. I John 4:12-13 says, "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. We know aht we live in him and he in us, because he has given us of His Spirit." As we love, the more we will see God working inside of us to accomplish his purposes in our lives. So how do we love him more you ask?
What is the Secret to Loving God?
The secret to truly loving God comes from one thing: Knowing Him. As we get a right understanding of Who God is, His holiness, His Grace, His mercy, His faithfulness, His Justice, His Love for us, then our love for Him will Grow. The bottom line is that we must do everything we can to know God. There is a secret to growing in our relationship with God and it is knowing our God as He has made Himself known. We should invest ourselves in knowing God more through meditating on His Word, pursuing passionate prayer, doing the ministry of Christ and serving others. You see as our understanding of God grows our desire to be like Him will grow. As that happens we will see that we love Him more. As we love Him more we will be obedient to Him more, as we are obedient to Him more we will remain in Him more, and as we remain in Him more we will bear fruit and bring Glory to Him. This is a great and mighty purpose to live and I thank God He has given us His Spirit and His Son to live in us to accomplish His will!
In Christ,
Kevin Deming
Ministry Insights,
youth Ministry Strategy
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
What we must teach our students?
I am in the process of interviewing interns for the summer as we are growing an intern ministry. One of the questions that I have asked them is, "What do you believe are the foundational truths that we must teach students?" As I have heard some great answers and I have been praying about what we as Youth Pastors need to communicate to students I believe I have a really strong grasp on what it is that we need to teach.
Here they are:
1) A correct and complete picture of the Gospel. Please jump down to the "Why did Jesus Have to Die" Post for more information on this. Ultimately we need to make sure that every student that is in our ministry has a correct understanding of the Gospel. This is more than just having an inviation or sharing the gospel at your youth meeting. This entails getting to know your students and equipping your leaders to get to know the students in such a way that you really know what part of the Gospel they are struggling with. Do you know the spiritual condition of every student in your ministry? If you have a large youth ministry do you or someone on your leadership know every student's spiritual condition?
2) A right view of who we are in comparision to who God is! This is very extensive but it should be the driving force to where we are leading students. Are we leading students to discover a correct view of Who God is? Are we showing them a correct view of who we are as we relate to God? Everything that we teach them about God flows out of this. Our biggest problems with students are not keeping them out of peer pressure or trying to convince them to come to church. Our biggest struggle is working through all the junk and lies in their life that they believe about God and helping to correct that and give them a correct view of God. This view of God is founded in the Word of God as Paul so often teaches that we need to teach according to sound doctrine. (Titus 1:9He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.)
(Titus 2:1[ What Must Be Taught to Various Groups ] You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.)
3) We need to teach them how to apply this right view to their life. We need to invest in students in such a way that we begin to allow them to see how God can and wants to change their life for the better. We need them to as they seek God and see His Truth understand how to put that to practice in their lives.
My encouragement to each and every youth pastor is to do whatever it takes to communicate this Right understanding of God. It starts with Salvation and the Gospel. It continues with the process of putting to practice the Word of God in their lives. The truest way to love someone is to help them know, understand, and apply God's Truth!
Here they are:
1) A correct and complete picture of the Gospel. Please jump down to the "Why did Jesus Have to Die" Post for more information on this. Ultimately we need to make sure that every student that is in our ministry has a correct understanding of the Gospel. This is more than just having an inviation or sharing the gospel at your youth meeting. This entails getting to know your students and equipping your leaders to get to know the students in such a way that you really know what part of the Gospel they are struggling with. Do you know the spiritual condition of every student in your ministry? If you have a large youth ministry do you or someone on your leadership know every student's spiritual condition?
2) A right view of who we are in comparision to who God is! This is very extensive but it should be the driving force to where we are leading students. Are we leading students to discover a correct view of Who God is? Are we showing them a correct view of who we are as we relate to God? Everything that we teach them about God flows out of this. Our biggest problems with students are not keeping them out of peer pressure or trying to convince them to come to church. Our biggest struggle is working through all the junk and lies in their life that they believe about God and helping to correct that and give them a correct view of God. This view of God is founded in the Word of God as Paul so often teaches that we need to teach according to sound doctrine. (Titus 1:9He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.)
(Titus 2:1[ What Must Be Taught to Various Groups ] You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine.)
3) We need to teach them how to apply this right view to their life. We need to invest in students in such a way that we begin to allow them to see how God can and wants to change their life for the better. We need them to as they seek God and see His Truth understand how to put that to practice in their lives.
My encouragement to each and every youth pastor is to do whatever it takes to communicate this Right understanding of God. It starts with Salvation and the Gospel. It continues with the process of putting to practice the Word of God in their lives. The truest way to love someone is to help them know, understand, and apply God's Truth!
Ministry Insights,
youth Ministry Strategy
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