
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Friday Deals


Everyone is looking for a deal somewhere tomorrow. Many are going to leave their homes at 4am to get a great deal for Christmas. Sometimes we spend our entire lives looking for the next best thing. My prayer for each of us this season is to remember that it is important to keep a right perspective on what is important. Get your Black Friday Deal online:

Black Friday Deals

Shop from home and enjoy time with your family and avoid the mad rush at the stores!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Big Idea - Book Review

I have been reading a book titled, "The Big Idea" by Dave Ferguson and I highly recommend every church leader to read this book.

Dave starts off looking at how we need to have a bigger distinction between non-Christians and Christians. There are too many people that call themselves Christians that really don't understand what being a Christ Follower is. One way that he suggests that we can do this is by being Churches that focus on the BIG IDEA rather than a ton of little ideas. "We have bombarded our people with too many competing little ideas, and the result is a church with more information and less clarity than perhaps ever before." He continues to point out that "it is the one Big Idea at a time that brings clarity to the confusion that comes from too many little ideas."

Just stop and think about the average person who comes to church on even one Sunday how many little ideas they get from scriptures in the bulletin, sermon, Sunday School Classes, each song that we sing in worship, announcements, Special Music, prayers. Each one of these has a different idea that we are trying to teach. Now imagine if we began teaching God's Truths with more clarity by creating an atmosphere when people come to our church building they have one main concept or truth rather than 20.

Dave continues to look at how your church can be a community that transforms and how to be a missional church! If you don't have a copy of this book get one and see how God can transform your little ideas to a BIG IDEA!



Sunday, November 02, 2008

iyouthpastor.com is coming soon


We had some tech issues with iyouthpastor.com but will be looking forward to being able to partner with many of your churches in helping you really make a big impact in your church, community, and the world. We are in the process of putting together a plan that will really give you some resources that you didn't think you would be able to have. We are going to be targeting helping small and young churches that are really looking to find resources they need but may lack the money to do it. We look forward to hearing from you on how we can do that better.


Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Going to be Moving to iYouthPastor.com

iYouthPastor.com is going to be coming soon. It will have youth resources that are designed by youth pastors for youth pastors. It will be a website where you will have as a bookmark and use on a regular basis to allow you to be more effective in youth ministry.

We will be blogging there at http://www.iyouthpastor.com/blog/

Check us out as we look to grow in the next few months!

Let us know if you want to partner with us.


Friday, June 06, 2008

How to Find, Woo, and Hire a Youth Minister or Pastor

There are several ways to approach the hiring of a youth pastor. First, I would say have a clear vision of what your expectations, job description and vision for the youth pastor who is coming in. Remember, that leaders are attracted to places where they see they will have the freedom to lead and the potential to succeed without the worry of failing. What I mean by that is sometimes our churches don't allow our leaders to fail and that doesn't allow them the freedom to take risks and improve. You will have to determine what those expectations are as a church.

Secondly, have a clear picture of what experience you are looking for in a youth pastor and what qualities, gifts, strengths you see as valuable. Also, have your team or staff who hires the new youth pastor make clear they type of person you are looking for. If you need a little help in what are some difference to look for or how to do that a little more let me know.

Thirdly, Post your job on the web. I have close ties to http://www.staffyourchurch.com it is free to post and only 9.99 to have premium posts and resume search. You can post as much as you want for free or as many premium posts for the 9.99. The posts on this website give great response in the search engines without the big costs of some of the major ones. If the costs don't matter then post in as many places as you can.

Forthly, Consider an interim Youth pastor. This can be a strong leader from your church or another person that lives in the area that would want to help out. However, this is a must: Do not hire the interim youth pastor. Tell them up front if they want to be considered for the position to not be the interim. The reason for this is that if you open the door for hiring an interim youth pastor then you can settle for them because it is comfortable and you don't hire the best for the position.

Fifthly, and probably could be the best plan if it works out. Call the churches that are doing things well and talk to the youth pastors there. Ask them if they know anyone that is interested in a youth ministry job. If you have all the other things in place then you can call youth pastors who you believe posses the things your looking for.

Now How do you woo a youth pastor? Well, think about it like sports free agency. When a team wants to get a player who they feel are high quality. I would say one of the most important things for you to do is to keep in contact with everyone who applies. If someone sends you a resume put them on an email list and send them an email with your time frame. If they do not fit the qualities that you are looking for notify them right away. Don't hesitate on letting them know and don't just not tell them. It is an awful feeling to be in limbo on what a church is thinking and not knowing their next steps. People would much rather move on to the next opportunity than to be wondering about one that they don't have.

Be sure that when you find people you are really interested in you need to keep the communication very open. Email them weekly on what is the status of your search. If you have 10 people you are still looking at don't go 2 - 3 weeks without letting them know where you are. If they are still a possibility let them know that. Nothing is more frustrating for a leader than a church who doesn't communicate well. I know that we often times in churches want our search team to be very secretive and I think out of respect for the people you are talking to you shouldn't give their names, but it is fine to let people know where you are in the process and especially let those who are looking to be hired need to know. If there are 3 people who you really want to focus on be careful not to narrow down to 1 until you know they are going to say yes.

I have seen many churches get sold on a guy that they end up saying no and the Church has to start the process over. Another reason for hiring an interim person. The church I currently work with had 2 guys all the way until the end of the line that they were deciding on before they offered me the job. If I would have said no they hand another guy who they thought would have done a great job too ready to say yes. They also kept great communication lines open with me and I knew exactly where they were in the process.

I hope this was helpful and if you have any more questions about hiring staff go to: http://www.staffyourchurch.com and send a comment or email.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Orange Conference Review

My plan is over the next week to take some time and give some thoughts on the Orange Conference in Atlanta GA. I had the chance to go with 4000 or so other children's and youth leaders. It was a great conference and the main sessions were really good. I love getting a chance to talk with the exhibitors there and seeing how I can connect with what I am doing to what resources they can provide.

I hope each of you take the time to go to conferences or at least get CD's to listen to that can help you in growing more effectively in ministry. It is worth it to be around people who really want to grow.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Real Jesus

Last Night we focused on teaching about how important it is for us to know Who God is and how that dramatically effects how we view life. It should be a passion for us to seek to know the Real Jesus and not this made up idea of who we want Him to be or that we think He is. Check out this Video and see how we often times can view Jesus in a way that would cause us not to know how to Worship Him for who He is. Do you need to make any changes in how you view God?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Blog Back On

Well, I have been off of the blogging cycle for too long. It is one of those things like you know you need to exercise, you pass by the gym everyday, you see your exercise cycle sitting in the guest room, basement or garage and you think, "Wow, I need to do that again. I do it later." That is my blogging life for the last few months. I have been thinking about a lot of different things for youth pastors that have needed to be said and I said I will do that later. I am back, and I have some great insights from other youth pastors and what God is teaching me that I think we will love reading about.

I am in process of moving forward in our youth ministry on how we do things. We are making changes that are going to reach more students and have more impact. I am presenting this to my adults this weekend and my students next week. I will share over the next couple of weeks how I went about these changes to help you walk through anything you may see you need to change as well. It should be extremely helpful for anyone looking to move forward in their ministry.

Also, I have some youth pastors that have given me some great ideas lately and I want to share those. Along with that I am emailing some youth pastors and finding out what are the key Life Issues that they teach every year or they want their students to hear. I also, want to find out what are the irreducible minimums (as Andy Stanley puts it) in their ministry. I love the 7 checkpoints but I don't necessarily think that it fits for every youth ministry. I can see that God has gifted each youth pastor and ministry with some key passions and I will talk about what some of those are.

We will also look at some other insights over the next month or so to help challenge you going into the summer and into next year. I have been doing research on how to do Multi-site churches, and I am in process of implementing an internship program in our church.

Stay tuned as we dig into these and I will make a point to not neglect my blog "bicycle" if you promise to read and comment with your insights as well.


Kevin Deming