
Saturday, February 24, 2007

Prayers of a Child

I have grown amazed at listening to my 5 & 7 year old pray. It is always interesting to listen to children pray. I get to smile alot when I hear my 5 year old son say, "Thank you Jesus for ebrything (everything), Amen!"

I would look at him and say, 'Why don't you Thank Jesus for your family or our home?"

He just looks at me and says, "I did! I thank youed Jesus for EBRYTHING!"

He has now added, several things to the list because I am trying to teach him to be a little more specific. He now prays, "Thank you Jesus for Ebrything, Amen. Oh yeah, and thank you for fish and video games."

This comes from the same child who says, "God must be a stretchy God."

I asked, "Micah, why do you think God is a stretchy God?"

"Because if He is with my cousins (who live in PA) and He is here with me He must be able to stretch really far."

The funny thing is I didn't correct him on his theology, because he understands the most important part, God is with everyone. We don't have to understand everything about How God does what He does, but we do need faith in Who God is. It is the nature of God that determines our perspective of God. Do we really have a right perspective of His nature? My prayer for my boys is that they would grow into Godly men and grow in the grace and knowledge of God's truth. The great thing about this prayer is I see it getting answered!

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