
Monday, March 05, 2007

A Big God who cares about Small Stuff

Today I was walking through our church and a lady who has been praying for her son stopped me to ask for prayer. She mentioned how her son, who lives around 5 hours away, had not answered his phone in the last few days and she was getting concerned. She had tried to call him and someone picked up his cell phone and then hung it up. She was concerened that someone had stolen his cell phone or something bad had happened to him. She told me she had a great peace about it but was still concerened and wanted to know if he was ok. I told her I would pray for her and started to walk away. I turned back around as I was reminded about the power of prayer and the need to pray right then. I asked her if I could pray for her and her son right now. She said yes, and I began praying for her. I prayed for her and I prayed that God would be her son's protector and would burden his heart right then to have him call her. After we were done praying she said thank you and I walked away still with a spirit of prayer for him. About 15 minutes later she saw me in the hall and she said, "you won't believe what happened. About a minute after you prayed my phone rang and it was my son. He had been sick and had not answered his phone."

Isn't it cool to see God answer prayers in such a simple way. God knew the she needed to know how her son was, her son needed to know that God was there for him in his life and answered prayers, and I need a little encouragement as I have been teaching on prayer.

Of course this raises a very interesting question, "Would her son have called at that moment if we had not prayed?" Regardless of what you believe about that, God answered the prayer that seems small and simple but shows how Big He actually is.

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