
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hello World! We are Back...

iYouthPastor.com is Back after having a website attacked with virus’s and a delay of nearly a year, we have regrouped and look to enhance and impact youth pastors across the country. Our partner sites that will be up and running and improving over the year are:

http://www.iyouthpastor.com - Because Students Matter.

http://www.youthministryhelper.com - Resources that Change Lives.

http://www.ym411.com - Your Questions. Your Answers.

http://www.youthministry411.com - Giving Resources to Youth Pastors and Leaders.

http://www.ymhelper.com - Training and Equipping Youth Pastors and Leaders.

http://www.staffyourchurch.com - Connecting People with Careers.

Help us come together and make a difference. We are looking for authors who would like to help us narrow our focus on each of these sites.


The iYouthPastor Team

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