
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Friday Deals


Everyone is looking for a deal somewhere tomorrow. Many are going to leave their homes at 4am to get a great deal for Christmas. Sometimes we spend our entire lives looking for the next best thing. My prayer for each of us this season is to remember that it is important to keep a right perspective on what is important. Get your Black Friday Deal online:

Black Friday Deals

Shop from home and enjoy time with your family and avoid the mad rush at the stores!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Big Idea - Book Review

I have been reading a book titled, "The Big Idea" by Dave Ferguson and I highly recommend every church leader to read this book.

Dave starts off looking at how we need to have a bigger distinction between non-Christians and Christians. There are too many people that call themselves Christians that really don't understand what being a Christ Follower is. One way that he suggests that we can do this is by being Churches that focus on the BIG IDEA rather than a ton of little ideas. "We have bombarded our people with too many competing little ideas, and the result is a church with more information and less clarity than perhaps ever before." He continues to point out that "it is the one Big Idea at a time that brings clarity to the confusion that comes from too many little ideas."

Just stop and think about the average person who comes to church on even one Sunday how many little ideas they get from scriptures in the bulletin, sermon, Sunday School Classes, each song that we sing in worship, announcements, Special Music, prayers. Each one of these has a different idea that we are trying to teach. Now imagine if we began teaching God's Truths with more clarity by creating an atmosphere when people come to our church building they have one main concept or truth rather than 20.

Dave continues to look at how your church can be a community that transforms and how to be a missional church! If you don't have a copy of this book get one and see how God can transform your little ideas to a BIG IDEA!



Sunday, November 02, 2008

iyouthpastor.com is coming soon


We had some tech issues with iyouthpastor.com but will be looking forward to being able to partner with many of your churches in helping you really make a big impact in your church, community, and the world. We are in the process of putting together a plan that will really give you some resources that you didn't think you would be able to have. We are going to be targeting helping small and young churches that are really looking to find resources they need but may lack the money to do it. We look forward to hearing from you on how we can do that better.
