
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Day 3 - Daniel Fast

Well, the Daniel fast is one of those fasts that you don't necessarily feel the hunger but you do notice a mindset difference in the way you eat. Everything that I am used to eating I am throwing out the window and starting over. I have gotten familar with the fresh produce section of the grocery store and found that there are a lot more good fruits and vegtables than I remembered. Anyways, as I have been praying I want to encourage all of you and so during this fast I am going to be looking at different things in our ministry and our personal lives that we need to know.

Tonight we are having a college worship and Bible study and I am going to be speaking on defining moments in our lives and using the book of Esther. My kids have a CD from Frank Peretti with the story of Esther and it is one that Esther is faced with a huge decision in her life. The decision to stand up for her people or shrink back and hope everything pans out all right. It is important for us to remember that the only truth worth following in this world is God's truth and when we face choices that seem to lead us elsewhere we must renew our mind and follow Christ.

Anyway, I pray that as you read these posts you will be encouraged to take time and remember the most important things in our lives. To realize that our life here on earth is one that is missional. I mean missional in that we have a mission, to know Christ, to follow Christ, and to make Christ know to others so that they can follow Him. I remember when I was at college God laid on my heart a thought that I repeat to myself often. It was this: "Get to know Jesus, I mean really get to know Jesus and don't settle for anything less." Do you realize that by not following what God has planned for you that you are actually settling for less than what He has planned for you life. Pursue God and let Him guide you in all you do.

By the way, yesterday I went back to the gym and started talking to this guy and after a few minutes I asked him where he was from and found out he grew up in South America and his parents were missionaries. It is so cool when you talk to people and get a little more personal than the weather and sports that you can actually meet some really great people. I was definately encouraged by this guy's life.


Kevin Deming

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